Saturday, January 20, 2024

Aquarius, The Zodiac Sign of Intelligent Individualism 🧐 💪 🌈

Aquarians are fun and endearing, with a dash of the unconventional. They are courteous and soft spoken, and can suddenly turn unpredictable. They are curious people who like to put life under a microscope for analysis. This is partly why they like to have a lot of friends and acquaintances, who become sources of interest to stoke their inquisitiveness. 

Being curious and analytical, they are excellent at listening to others and make good counselors. By tuning into, and acknowledging their own nervous system, they are incredibly empathetic to others. Their words give a calming reassurance to reduce anxiety and fears of those who need their support. Aquarians will share their opinions, but won’t expect you to live your life as they do. They live their lives true to themselves and let others do the same.

Although Aquarians do not like confrontation, they stand strong with their convictions and what they believe to be truth. They despise deception and are natural rebels, and know change is needed. They use their intelligence to push forward, as they are ahead of their time. Presidents Lincoln and Roosevelt faced fierce resistance, but their ideals and reforms were made without violence. Aquarians are a fixed sign, so they are determined, persistent and steadfast (much like our Taurus, Leo and Scorpio friends, who are also fixed signs). 

Aquarians are not afraid of change. Their original flair, love of freedom, independence, and sharp observation skills, give them the ability to explore life. They collect knowledge from all walks of life, and are not prejudiced. They are interested and inquisitive, funny and original.

Although they can have many people around them, Aquarians are selective with who they trust and become close to. Aquarians analyze and digest their surroundings and people with careful scrutiny, so once they trust you they will remain loyal. Being a fixed sign, they can be as just loyal with their friendships as they are with their convictions.

“The Aquarian Age” denotes coming together and creating something for the common good, and a collective responsibility, bringing increased spirituality and harmony on earth. This speaks to Aquarians and who they are, and what they are all about.

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