Friday, June 28, 2024

Denying the Truth Doesn't Make it Go Away.


The difference between dwelling and ruminating on the past (and feeling like a victim), and being willing to get clarification (and expose our truth), is that the latter gives us peace.

Many of us don’t address things with others, as many of us have experienced being shut down when trying to discuss our truth with others. But the truth does not go away by ignoring it or shooing it away. It stays, and it gets stronger and stronger, as a callous on our foot does after we step on a splinter. And similar to a callous, our hearts and relationships can’t heal.

Talking through our truth allows us to come to an agreement and a reconciliation, and that strengthens trust. No matter how uncomfortable, reality is reality. We are not living in a perfect story, facades are shields trying to protect us from our pain. As we know, the human experience can be challenging, messy, ugly, painful, and heartbreaking. But that is only part of it.

Life is also beautiful, and once we get clarification, we come to terms with the truth, and we decide what to do with it. Whether we choose to look at it, address it, ignore it, or put a band aid on it, the truth will still be there.

Playing charades dishonors us, our relationships, and the truth. And from there, we can’t heal. Being in pain encourages us to go against one another.

We are all different, and we’re all impacted differently by the same situation. Opening up our mind and heart gives us empowerment. Remember, life is not a competition. We are all enough as we are.

Every opportunity gives us a chance for joy or growth, and from there we decide what to do with it.

We feel what we feel. Having the courage to speak up, we can be who we are in the best version of ourselves. The truth shines light on everything, including our magnificence.

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