Friday, September 27, 2024

Sitting with Discomfort and Not Lashing Out.

Recently, I saw someone I had met only a handful of times, and as soon as I greeted her with a friendly hello, I saw her immediately get uncomfortable. Within minutes, she gave me a backhanded insult that had nothing to do with her, or anything that was going on in that moment.

I don’t know that I will ever understand why.

The real issue is, why couldn’t she just sit with her discomfort? Something triggered her, and only she knows what that trigger was. The irony is that within her discomfort, she lashed out at someone she hardly knew.

The reality is that we are all uncomfortable with something or someone, at some point. Sometimes it makes complete sense to us, other times, not so much. The real question is, how do we manage our present discomfort to become centered, and not pass it on to others?

Here are 4 tips:

1. Breathe. Take a minute and get some oxygen, so you can relax and take stock of yourself.

2. Ask yourself what is going on, so you can get some answers that can help you manage how you are feeling.

3. Focus and determine if something about the situation is reminding you of something else that you have not resolved. Is it problems in a current or past relationship, a past trauma, or an insecurity within yourself?

4. And lastly, are you physically uncomfortable? Take a minute to either sit down, drink some water, eat something small, get some air, or go to the restroom. Sometimes by putting ourselves on pause, we can collect ourselves.

Feelings and triggers are always something we can recover from. By getting centered from how we are feeling (and taking responsibility) before making a comment or an “observation” that will hurt, insult or embarrass someone, it may save our dignity and someone else’s feelings. In these moments, we can pivot. But fractures in relationships take much longer, if ever, to glue back together. 

I hope this message resonates with you, and helps you on your path.

After watching the video, please like, comment and SUBSCRIBE on my YouTube channel. I appreciate your support 🙏🏻. 

If you would like to see more posts on emotional and spiritual well being and healing, please subscribe to my blog by sending an email to

Follow me on Instagram for daily posts and subscribe to my YouTube channel (my links are on the side bar).

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tracking Your Life to Live With Intention.


Things in our lives sometimes feel differently than what they actually are. This video emphasizes the importance of documenting and color coding events and activities in our calendars.

By doing this, things become clear and easily searchable. Having everything notated and color coded allows us to identify patterns and see what is working and what is not working. This gives us the opportunity to move forward feeling purposeful and fulfilled in our lives.

After watching this video on YouTube, please like, and let me know in the comments what you think of it, and SUBSCRIBE if you haven't already!

The blog I am referring to in my video is “Organizing Your Life to Manifest.”

I hope this message resonates with you, and helps you on your path.

If you would like to see more posts on emotional and spiritual well being and healing, please subscribe to my blog by sending an email to

Follow me on Instagram for daily posts and subscribe to my YouTube channel (my links are on the side bar).


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tarot Card Message of the Day. Financial Opportunity, A Past Betrayal, Rewards Coming.


The three cards represent a financial opportunity, a past betrayel and something coming that will bring you happiness and contentment. 
Hopefully this resonates with you and helps you on your path. If someone you care about needs to see this, please pass it on. 

This card is from one of my favorite decks, Golden Art Nouveau by Giulia F. Massaglia.

If you would like to see more posts on emotional and spiritual well being and healing, please subscribe to my blog by sending an email to

Follow me on Instagram for daily posts and subscribe to my YouTube channel (my links are on the side bar).

Friday, September 6, 2024

Living Your Dream Life. What is it worth to you?


Continuing with my “Manifestation” series, this video speaks to what we need to give up to get what we want. 

My past videos on manifestation  include envisioning the dream, organizing our goals by deciding what we want in each area of our lives, and breaking everything down into bite size pieces so we can get things done. The last step is to journal in order to have a resource to see if what we have envisioned is truly aligned with who we are and how we want to live (and making the necessary tweaks). 

This video is about making sacrifices to see our goals come to fruition. No one said this was a cake walk, but it doesn’t mean life has to be unfulfilling either. Being realistic about manifesting is expecting the fantasy will come with sacrifices. 

What is negotiable for you?

Click here to read and watch Organizing Your Life to Manifest, and then make a list of the different areas of your life. For each category, what you are willing to sacrifice to have those things? 

After watching the video, please like, comment and SUBSCRIBE on my YouTube channel. I appreciate your support 🙏🏻. 

If you would like to see more posts on emotional and spiritual well being and healing, please subscribe to my blog by sending an email to

Follow me on Instagram for daily posts and subscribe to my YouTube channel (my links are on the side bar).

Monday, September 2, 2024

New Moon in Virgo today. So, what does that mean for you?



The New Moon in Virgo occurs at 9:56 P.M. EDT today. So, what does that mean for you? 

The new moon means new beginnings, a fresh start. We spent time during the last full moon reflecting on our lives, and what needs to be changed and discarded. The new moon is moving forward with those plans. 

Virgos are organized, analytical and ambitious. They use their keen observation skills to see what needs to be done, and they get to it. Mercury rules Virgo, bringing intelligence and knowledge to their endeavors. 

As they have keen observation skills, Virgos can also critical and judgmental of others. Virgos are perfectionists and like to tell people how to run their affairs. Although we should be sharpening our minds to acquire our goals, we also need to take the edge off when telling people that they are doing something that we see as wrong. 

All in all, take this time of new beginnings to learn, observe, analyze, and make things happen. Allow your focus to guide you as to where you can reach your goals, and where you can make things happen by using your intellect. But, also be kind and supportive of those around you when they are not doing what you think they should, as you may want to keep them around. 

And with all of this insight, go out there and MANIFEST! 

If you would like to see more posts on emotional and spiritual well being and healing, please subscribe to my blog by sending an email to

Follow me on Instagram for daily posts and subscribe to my YouTube channel (my links are on the side bar).

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Tarot Card Message. Happiness, Partnership But Needing to Walk Away.

The three cards represent happiness and joy, working in partnership with another, and at some point, needing to move on. 

Certain situations can be joyful and fulfilling, and part of our journey, but there is an end to the story. It can be super painful to accept that reality and move on, but certain situations are not meant to be forever. 

I hope this helps you on your path. Please pass this along if you think it can help someone you care about.

This card is from one of my favorite decks, Golden Art Nouveau by Giulia F. Massaglia.


If you would like to see more posts on emotional and spiritual well being and healing, please subscribe to my blog by sending an email to

Follow me on Instagram for daily posts and subscribe to my YouTube channel (my links are on the side bar).


Organizing Our Thoughts to Make Better Decisions.

  At times, we all get overwhelmed when we need to make decisions. Depending on the circumstances, the process can be difficult and daunting...