Friday, September 27, 2024

Sitting with Discomfort and Not Lashing Out.

Recently, I saw someone I had met only a handful of times, and as soon as I greeted her with a friendly hello, I saw her immediately get uncomfortable. Within minutes, she gave me a backhanded insult that had nothing to do with her, or anything that was going on in that moment.

I don’t know that I will ever understand why.

The real issue is, why couldn’t she just sit with her discomfort? Something triggered her, and only she knows what that trigger was. The irony is that within her discomfort, she lashed out at someone she hardly knew.

The reality is that we are all uncomfortable with something or someone, at some point. Sometimes it makes complete sense to us, other times, not so much. The real question is, how do we manage our present discomfort to become centered, and not pass it on to others?

Here are 4 tips:

1. Breathe. Take a minute and get some oxygen, so you can relax and take stock of yourself.

2. Ask yourself what is going on, so you can get some answers that can help you manage how you are feeling.

3. Focus and determine if something about the situation is reminding you of something else that you have not resolved. Is it problems in a current or past relationship, a past trauma, or an insecurity within yourself?

4. And lastly, are you physically uncomfortable? Take a minute to either sit down, drink some water, eat something small, get some air, or go to the restroom. Sometimes by putting ourselves on pause, we can collect ourselves.

Feelings and triggers are always something we can recover from. By getting centered from how we are feeling (and taking responsibility) before making a comment or an “observation” that will hurt, insult or embarrass someone, it may save our dignity and someone else’s feelings. In these moments, we can pivot. But fractures in relationships take much longer, if ever, to glue back together. 

I hope this message resonates with you, and helps you on your path.

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