Saturday, September 23, 2023

Libra Season, The Zodiac Sign of Peacemaker. ⚖️🕊✌🏼


The first day of a season is associated with the first day of a cardinal zodiac sign. The cardinal zodiac signs are leaders, trendsetters and the “idea people” of the zodiac. They are the visionaries.

The beginning of winter brings us the earth cardinal sign of Capricorn, hunkering down, using their organization, problem-solving, and possessing a strong work ethic to inspire others; spring brings us the fiery cardinal sign of Aries, a passionate, motivated, and confident leader; the summer, brings us the water cardinal sign of Cancer, leading with empathy, intuition, and emotional intelligence: and Autumn, brings us the air cardinal sign of Libra, taking the lead with fairness, diplomacy, and finding common ground to foster cooperation.

Cardinal signs don’t often like, or adhere to, taking orders from others. As Libras love balance, they want to make things fair in their own right. Libras love making peace and creating balance between others, but can also give a real good argument when they feel it is needed. This is because our Libra friends are Air Signs. Air element in astrology is the symbol for using our minds - the ideators, and communicators, the thinkers. Libras think, analyze, and are very intelligent. And they can become restless…

The scales, which represent the sign of Libra, can give us the illusion that Librans are always full of balance and sweetness all the time. They can be at times, but while they are in the process of balancing they can go from charming, sweet, and gracious, to quarrelsome, stubborn and difficult. Then they go back once they are rebalanced. As scales tip back and forth before they become balanced, the same is true for Libras as they go through their process of gaining their equilibrium. 

Libras love harmony, but can indulge a bit too much in food, love and drink. This can become a problem for their health if they are not careful, and it will throw the harmony they love so much off balance. Getting back in balance can be pretty easy for them, with pleasant and soft surroundings, interesting books, mellow music, and meaningful conversation.

Libras are truth seekers - they want the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth. Their need for absolute fairness makes them see all sides of a situation before they make a decision. They make excellent mediators and strategists, as they collect all the information before making an informed decision. With all that needs to be analyzed for Libras, they do not like to be rushed. Their process takes time, and if pushed too much, they will dig their heels in and become quite stubborn and argumentative. As their experience grows, their process becomes more streamlined, and Libras become wiser with time and age. Even when they make mistakes along the way, Libras genuinely try to do what they believe is right and fair. 

Most Libras are not showy, and prefer to be straightforward and honest in all their dealings. They are rarely careless and do not like nor appreciate over the top, extravagant behavior of any fashion. They think deeply, and ponder many of life’s more meaningful aspects. They are at their best in environments that are soothing, where things are in harmony. This includes color, sound, language, balance of a room - clutter upsets them (for good reason). Soft music, dimmed lights, good food (and drink) along with with pleasant conversation, will turn them on and make them feel they are balanced and at peace. And they will be a delight to be around. After all, their ruling planet is Venus, the planet of love, harmony, and relationships. This is when they are at their best.

When balanced, Libras are the perfect blend of deep intelligence, harmonious disposition, and sympathetic heart. This is the Libra that we all know, love and appreciate. ❤️

* Please note that I used the colors pink and green in the image above to represent Libra, which coincides with Libra's ruling planet Venus. Click here for my previous post on how astrology and planets affect color and days of the week.
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