Thursday, September 28, 2023

Journaling - A Spiritual Pathway. 📚📙🖼📹🎙

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Journaling is a sure way for me to gain insight and clarity into what I’m thinking, feeling, and wanting. It has become a spiritual outlet for me. Journaling has been amazing therapy, as I have always had a lot of thoughts, dreams and life questions in my heart and in my head. By putting down thoughts and ideas on paper, it makes it easier for me to understand what’s happening in my life, my heart, and where I want to go. It also helps me gain insight and solve problems.

How easy is it to get off track and not even be aware of our thoughts in day-to-day lives? Pretty easy. Thoughts appear and disappear, and often float into our heads, leave, and then come back again. That’s when it’s easy to start overthinking and self-sabotaging. Daily life distracts us with an overload of stimuli, including our own internal biochemistry. Journaling creates an opportunity to settle down and set time aside for ourselves to go inward and connect to our spirit.

Writing, drawing, coloring and pasting pictures in a journal are ideas how to see what we’re wanting and feeling. What speaks loudly enough for us to pick a certain visual, or write about something that’s coming up for us? What draws our attention and gives us that feeling of “oh, this means .” 

There’s no one way to journal, and are many modalities to pick from. I use audio journaling, video journaling, journaling freehand, and chronicling. A book that is a mishmash of ideas, photos, drawings, lists, memories, and dreams is eclectic and fun. Putting our visions on boards and in books are also amazing tools. They create a visual of where we want to go, and open us up to what is important to us. Using a board is great, as it is in front of you all the time, and always allows you to see your dreams and goals. I also like using a book because it is tidy and keeps everything together, and I can add to it any time I like. I often open it spontaneously and it feels new every time.

The research shows that the creative process of journaling is good for us mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Psychology Today has numerous articles on the benefits of journaling, including how it increases happiness, overall mood, goal attainment and even physical health. WebMD states that journaling eases anxiety, creates awareness and helps us open up. The University of Rochester states that journaling helps with depression, stress and prioritizing problems and concerns. It also allows us to track symptoms, see triggers (and patterns), and  then find a better way to control them. 

Journaling in any modality can be a great outlet to spark an idea, a feeling, and creative thoughts. Just make it for you and about you. It is yours and doesn’t need to be judged or critiqued!

I hope this post gives you inspiration and a few new ideas to get started, or continue with your journaling projects. Happy dreaming and happy journaling! 

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