Friday, June 7, 2024

Taking Risks and Finding Joy.

Joy can be elusive, in that we can’t all share the same experience and feel the same response. We can find the joy in big, monumental events in our lives, and we can also find joy in smaller, everyday occurrences.

When we are offered something, it is an opportunity for either growth or joy. Growth doesn’t give us the same feel good as joy, but it is just as meaningful.

Keeping a positive outlook on what comes our way allows us to take risks. We can run though all the worst case scenarios in our heads and not move forward, or we can look at it as “I am going to take a calculated risk, and I am going to move forward. I will be able to manage it.”

Even if we look back at our choice and think it wasn’t the best one for our lives, it was still an important choice to make, because mistakes show us something about ourselves. It could be a part of our journey getting from “here” to “there.” It can also give us the confidence that we can recover, and make things better, as a result.

It is important to look at our immediate negative responses.

Is this your negative pattern? Is it truly the end of the world?

Is this your voice, or is it someone else’s voice in your head? Someone who always tries to convince you not to take a chance?

Trusting ourselves, fate and the universe can give us the confidence to take the leap. We may need to make adjustments, but we will survive. It will be okay.

We also need to ask ourselves “What is the possibility that this is really going to happen?” Probably not high, but we can plan and release. We don’t need to stay stuck and therefore not experience joy.

The reality is that despite our hard work, or whatever decision we make, we never know what is going happen. Having the faith that it is all going to work out keeps us going, moving and evolving, and we experience joy along the way. 

Check out my blog and video “The 5 W's You Need to Ask Yourself So You Can Live Your Life the Way You Want To” to find joy in your everyday life.

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