Saturday, December 23, 2023

Capricorn Season, The Zodiac Sign of Earthiness, Leadership and Reliability. πŸŒ³πŸ‘‘πŸ’ͺ

Capricorns are mostly serious people who don’t mind hanging in the background, allowing others to take center stage. They can come off as unpretentious, quiet and calm, but don’t underestimate the Capricorn in your life. They can be quietly determined, always with an eye on the goal. While others play, fumble and fold, our Capricorn friends know exactly what they want, and strategize how to get it. They often *quietly* win.

This does not mean they are ruthless. Capricorns are natural leaders, as they are the earth cardinal sign of the Zodiac. As the other cardinal signs Aries (fire), Cancer (water) and Libra (air), each bring their own style of leadership, Capricorns take on an authoritative role, adhering to tradition. They like to do things the right and proven way, as Capricorns are not frivolous or easily fooled. 

They are steady and earthy, tough and reliable. Their planet is Saturn, which is serious, hardworking, somewhat melancholy, and represented by the colors black, dark navy, deep green and brown. These colors, like Capricorn, are serious and dense, dependable, honest and earthy (much like my Capricorn love at home).

As you might expect, you won’t see them dancing on tables with lampshades on their heads, loudly belting out show tunes, as they do not like to feel they are making fools of themselves. Capricorns are refined with a stiff upper lip, and find outlandish behavior to be undignified. They are calm, deliberate, and don’t like to show all their cards or wear their hearts on their sleeves. Although they can be quiet, they are no pushovers. 

Capricorns, being an earth sign, are rooted like trees in the earth (read: stubborn and strong), so they don’t like, or encourage, unnecessary change. They love routine, and are persistent (and sometimes relentless) in their approach. Being strong and serious, they can take insults, disappointment, and duty better than most. They can suffer through situations, as they believe taking the correct path, no matter how long or hard it may be, will be rewarded. 

They love tradition and they mind their own affairs. Gossip, and witnessing public scenes involving raw emotions and uncontrolled behavior, embarrass them. 

Capricorns, even as young children, can seem to have a bit of an “old man" pessimistic attitude. Therefore, it is best for them to get outdoor exercise and be in nature, in order to enjoy the sunshine, and feel the rain on their face. Adopting a more positive and outgoing personality will keep them healthier in old age. 

Although Capricorns can be stern and cautious, they can be incredibly kind and deeply protective of those they love and hold dear. If they feel your devotion, and you have pulled at their (sometimes buried) heartstrings, they are equally, if not more so, devoted, strong and dependable. They stand strongly as rooted trees by those they love through every storm. And who amongst us can ask for better than that?

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