Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sagittarius Season, The Zodiac Sign of Adventure. 🍄🌈🗺✈️

Sagittarians are known for being witty, intelligent and driven. They can also be very forthright (read: blunt). Although some well meaning remarks can feel like a sting from the Sag’s arrow, they mean no harm.

The thing is, Sagittarians don’t intend (or even realize) they have hurt you. Their intention is to merely tell you the truth. Honesty is important to them since deception, in all its forms, repulses a Sagittarian. Anything not genuine goes completely against their grain. When a Sag finds out they have hurt you, they will not only be bewildered, but hurt, as they never meant any harm. That is the innocence of the Sagittarian, which can be appealing and lovable, and at times, shocking and hurtful. Having an adventurous spirit, a Sag at times speaks first, and then realizes the consequences later. 

Because deceit is unnatural for them, it is difficult for them to lie, therefore most are not great secret keepers. Typically, they are not cunning or successful “chess players” in life, as their innocence and hidden vulnerability would suggest. Life seldom brings them down for long, as they have an understanding that everything will work its way out.

When you meet a Sagittarian, you may find them to be dramatic and vigorous (Tina Turner and Jimi Hendrix, for example). They have a fire spirit in them, as the fire sign of Sag would suggest. Even the unassuming Sagittarian has a sharp mind, but this could lead to sarcasm. Although a Sag may lose their gloves and phones, they have excellent memories, and can give you specific details of an incident that occurred many years ago.

Physically, they usually have strong, sturdy bodies. Their eyes sparkle and their hearty laugh can awaken even the dullest of souls. A Sag typically likes to wear color and big jewelry to express themselves, and most Sagittarians are known for their beautiful and lush hair.

Sagittarians are also known to love travel and adventure. Being idle can make them restless and antsy. Their love for food and drink needs to be curtailed, as they like to indulge and enjoy life. Too much of a good thing for a Sag could negatively affect their overall health and well being.

Generous as they are, Sagittarians offer without hesitation. As a fire sign, Sag’s are idealists, extroverts and forward. They can come on strong, and are not likely to back down when on a mission. Their fiery fire sign temper can flare up if they feel people are encroaching on their territory, or crossing a boundary.

Sag’s love to have fun, and love to see themselves on stage as the main point of attraction. They can be very funny, and fun to be around. Sagittarians is symbolized by half human and half horse, the healer whose higher intelligence creates a bridge between Earth and Heaven. And with their big, generous hearts, a Sagittarian will shoot their beloved Sagittarian arrows into the sky, and symbolically toward their dreams.

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