Sunday, October 22, 2023

Scorpio Season, The Zodiac Sign of Intensity. 🔥♥️💯

When you meet a Scorpio, you will probably notice that they can be intense. They may appear calm and easygoing initially, but when you look in their eyes it will be hard to miss their hypnotic, piercing stare. They will have a cool, sometimes emotionless, look about them while interacting with others, but don’t let their steely facade fool you.

Their poised exterior hides a very powerful, deep and passionate interior. Scorpios can craft a perfect game face, not giving themselves away easily to others. Although they are intense and determined, they are profound and emotional. And with all this, Scorpios have a true sweetness to them.

They are also sincere. If a Scorpio pays you a compliment, they mean it, and you should take it seriously. They don’t say things just to please you, and they don’t need your compliments, either. They are confident in their abilities. They know who they are, and what they can do. As they should be. They research incessantly, learn fully and perfect their skills to do the best, and most complete, job possible. Scorpios don’t do things half way, it’s just a matter of whether they truly want it. Being naturally competitive, and as a fixed sign (read: stubborn and determined), things need to be on their terms. They are patient, knowing success and opportunities will come their way, in due time. And knowing this, they are ready for it. With a commanding presence, Scorpios do well in front of an audience, whether in a presentation, a meeting, or an entertainment stage. They have an important message to share with the world.

In relationships, Scorpios are equally as intense. They attract faithful friends and forever foes. When on their upside, they are generous with their time, teachings and knowledge. They are always available and present, with their wise counsel, and have endless knowledge to share. Even physically, Scorpios are sturdy and powerful. 

On the downside, Scorpios can be equally as intense with their foes. Never forgetting a bad word, nor a betrayal, they can plan and plot their revenge. Scorpios may even stay up at night, thinking about and orchestrating their next move. With all their depth, it is understandable why they do not want to get hurt again. Scorpios rarely take things lightly. This includes needing to be careful with excess. Their indulgences can cost them emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically (as well as financially). 

With all their intensity and knowledge, Scorpios can sometimes go to really dark and destructive places. They can become obsessive and vengeful, harming themselves and others, or they can use their power and strength to wisely make a huge and impactful difference in the world. Is it any wonder why there have been more Scorpios as United States Presidents than any other sign? With deep knowledge and passion, they’ve spoken to the world with great wisdom, making them perfect figures on an international pulpit.

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