Saturday, August 10, 2024

You've Done the Work..Now You Are Waiting 😩


Waiting is the Hardest Part.

If you have seen my last four blogs on manifesting, you’ve done the envisioning, put the energy out into the universe, and got super organized.

When we don’t see any results, we may ask ourselves, “If I have worked so hard and diligently, should I take the lack of progress as a sign that things are not meant to be?”

The answer is “No!”

Success comes after hard work, and for many of us, a period of waiting. 

Miracles come around corners. We may get unexpected assistance from someone, an opportunity may open up out of the blue, or we might be in the right place at the exact right time.

We may be one step away from our envisioned life, and give up.

So, while we wait, what can we do to keep going, keep our spirits up and our impatience in check?

  1. Remember that we are living, growing organisms, forever evolving and changing. We may not be getting what we want because we are simply not yet ready for our success. If we get something prematurely, we may sabotage things. Taking this time to work on ourselves to be ready for, and manage, our success is crucial.
  2. Create a spiritual relationship with what we are doing. Getting what we want can have a one dimensional aspect to it. When we create a spiritual connection to our circumstances, we  become part of the process. Having the relationship with our spirit, and with who we really are, helps us better embrace, and cherish, our success.
  3. Expect and prepare for competition. Many times envy will come from where we least expect it. It can be from someone who we consider a close friend, or possibly from a family member. It could even be someone we are working with to achieve our dream. Listening to the signs, learning to be selective of who we share our dreams and information with (and not taking things personally) will keep us on our path. And remember, this is about them, not you.
  4. Using the power of our mind keeps us disciplined and on track. For every dream there is a practical aspect. Keep working, keep learning and keep fine tuning.
  5. Be strong internally and spiritually. Anticipating some of the downfalls, and keeping ourselves balanced and rooted, will give us strength through troubled times.
  6. Building a strong bridge between our conscious and unconscious will guide us when we are going negative. Going deep into our subconscious tells us what is blocking us. When we start making the wrong choices, what are we afraid of? Working our subconscious mind together with our conscious mind will help us avoid pitfalls.
  7. Be resourceful with what we already have. Take this period of waiting to look for tools we already have to give us the right resources. Who have we lost touch with, who would be a great contact or connector? What have we learned from our past that can help us navigate our current circumstances?
  8. Unite reasoning with faith. Be practical, and don’t lose faith. Keep believing, and putting forth our best work to keep us on our path.
  9. Stay highly disciplined and diligent. An idea stays an idea until force is applied. Something in motion only stops when force holds it back.
  10. Accepting there is a cost to our gift gives us the commitment needed to go on. Work is no guarantee for success, and we may have to forgo mundane things in our life to continue working. Deciding what we are willing to give up helps us make the right decisions to achieve success.
  11. Seeing our talent as a gift to the world makes it more meaningful. What do we want to leave behind? What do we want to be remembered for? How would we like to be remembered? We are leaving behind our gifts with others as our legacy.


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