Monday, September 2, 2024

New Moon in Virgo today. So, what does that mean for you?



The New Moon in Virgo occurs at 9:56 P.M. EDT today. So, what does that mean for you? 

The new moon means new beginnings, a fresh start. We spent time during the last full moon reflecting on our lives, and what needs to be changed and discarded. The new moon is moving forward with those plans. 

Virgos are organized, analytical and ambitious. They use their keen observation skills to see what needs to be done, and they get to it. Mercury rules Virgo, bringing intelligence and knowledge to their endeavors. 

As they have keen observation skills, Virgos can also critical and judgmental of others. Virgos are perfectionists and like to tell people how to run their affairs. Although we should be sharpening our minds to acquire our goals, we also need to take the edge off when telling people that they are doing something that we see as wrong. 

All in all, take this time of new beginnings to learn, observe, analyze, and make things happen. Allow your focus to guide you as to where you can reach your goals, and where you can make things happen by using your intellect. But, also be kind and supportive of those around you when they are not doing what you think they should, as you may want to keep them around. 

And with all of this insight, go out there and MANIFEST! 

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