Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tarot Card Message of the Day, JUDGEMENT.


The Judgement card represents all of us being judged, and that we can redirect our karma as soon as we set our intention to do so. We are not defined by our mistakes, but the decisions we make every day. We can redirect our lives and the judgement we receive. 

If this is you, you can make things better, believing in yourself. Put yourself in a position to make amends. If this is someone you know, give them the grace, space and support so they can feel your belief in them to turn things around.❤️ 

I hope this brings you a message that you needed to hear today. If someone you care about needs to see this, please pass it on.

This card is from one of my favorite decks, Golden Art Nouveau by Giulia F. Massaglia. 

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