Friday, May 17, 2024

Sharing your uniqueness with the world.

It is said that we come to Earth to play a role on the world stage. Shakespeare said “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” We are here to make a difference, to play a role, to be part of a grand mosaic, and to give what we uniquely have to others.

When we are integrating into society and subculture (be it the office, a family, a neighborhood), we can lose ourselves in order to get along. As humans, we like to fit in, and like to be liked. This gives us a sense of security.

There are people who want to assign your role to you. You may get caught up, for survival or otherwise, but the most important thing is to always know your way back home. Your way back home is YOU.

The talents and uniqueness that you possess is yours to share with the world. Don’t get caught up in  someone else’s version of what they want you to be, as their supporting cast member. This does not serve your destiny. Whatever your talent is - scientific, artistic, communication, leadership…it is yours to offer.

Never lose sight of your strength and your uniqueness. If you don’t know who you are, then others will assign you their version of how you fit into their scripts, or agenda. Work hard at getting to know yourself - journal, talk to a friend, get some professional guidance. There is work in this process, but it’s worth it.

Integrate into your environment, and do the best you can to get along, but also stay true and centered to what you have to share with the world. Don’t change the most important part of your role that is you being you, knowing yourself and sharing yourself, and living out your destiny.

Some questions you may want to ask yourself:
What did you love doing as a child?
What do you do that gets the most compliments?
What do you do well?
What do you love doing?
What do you look forward to doing?
What integrates into your belief system?

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