Friday, May 24, 2024

10 Ideas You Can Do NOW to De-Clutter Space and Mind.



My latest video is on de-cluttering space and mind. As an organizer for many years, I understand that when people have too many belongings, they become OVERWHELMED. 

As time goes on, we can accumulate things that we have lost interest in, have no use for, and then feel overburdened trying to keep track of it all. 

It becomes difficult to make decisions when we look at too much stuff. Many times, when we think about the amount of money we have wasted of things we do not use, we feel regretful and guilty.  

De-cluttering can feel like a liberation.  We can give our full attention and appreciation to what we do have and love, and we can give special care to those special items. 

In this video, I provide ten ways to start de-cluttering. I hope this helps you get on the right path.

If this video resonates with you, and you would like to see more, please subscribe by sending an email to

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