Friday, May 31, 2024

The Four C’s to Gain Control of Your Life.


Having a complete understanding of what is going on in our lives is the only way we can manage it. With stress, work, children, and the natural ups and downs in our personal lives, things can get murky.

In order to get clarity and “see” what is going on, I believe we need to get things out of our heads, and in front of our eyes.

That is why I recommend writing things down. There is something about seeing the written word on paper that gives us clarity. You can do this in lots of ways. I am a big list maker, but I also use my journal to chronicle events as well as make “pros and cons” lists. This way I don’t just have “a feeling” about what is going on.

You can also get creative and draw it out, mind map it, write a poem, make music. Do what you love to get what is inside your head in front of you, so you can see it, understand it, and decide what to do about it.

Studies show healthy relationships have the biggest impact on our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical well being. We are social animals, and we need one another to stay alive. Finding people who we can confide in, trust, and know will love us for who we are, is essential to our well being.

We build our tribe. Many people are looking for connections. We can find the right people in our family, old time friends to reconnect with, colleagues at work, and people in our spiritual community. We can meet new friends at social engagements, and through people we already know.

We can feel tested when things don’t go the way we want, and we may feel like giving up. Commitment comes from the heart, but is shown through our actions.

In order to stay committed, don’t be afraid to have real conversations. Tell people what is going on, so they can work with you to stay connected. Show the universe you are committed to who you are with, and happy with what you have. Do your part in keeping the “good” good.

Once we have clarity, know who our people are, and stay committed, we then need to see where the consistency lies. This is when keeping a journal makes a huge difference in our lives. We are able to look for, and find, patterns. This gives us the cause and effect to everything in our lives. It connects the dots, makes it real, so we can move forward with the knowledge and control to live our lives as we want to.

I hope this blog helps you on your path. 

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Tarot Card Message of the Day.


I hope this brings you a message that you needed to hear today. If someone you care about needs to see this, pass it on ❤️‍

The card is from one of my favorite decks, Golden Art Nouveau by Giulia F. Massaglia.

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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

4 Feng Shui tips for your home office.

Consider these 4 Feng Shui tips to make your home office more productive, make you feel more aligned and focused, and work for you energetically. 

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Friday, May 10, 2024

The 5 W's you need to ask yourself so you can live your life the way you want to.

Navigating life is one of our biggest and most fulfilling challenges. As we know, life will take you where it wants to, but we get to decide on the small, and not so small, aspects to make our journey as aligned with our dreams as possible.

It’s always hard to know where to begin, so I got some inspiration and came up with the idea of asking ourselves the “5 Ws.”

By asking these questions, we dig in, get clarity, and hopefully bring some light to what is tucked away deep in our hearts.

The most important question we can answer, is “Who.” Relationships, and the connection we have to other human beings, is the number one aspect of our well being. If you don’t believe me, think of how you feel when you are interacting with people who do not support or encourage you, or are hurtful and dismissive. It makes us question everything we do and everything we are. Now think of people who love you, like you, accept you for who you are, and encourage you to be your real self. The difference is everything. Now, who are those people? What do they have in common?

We can never put a “number” on our most important asset - our time. Our time is not something we can get back, or invest in the market and watch it grow. Our time is something we can’t measure or watch it grow - it is limited, and we don’t know how much of it we have left. We can’t say we will do something in twenty years, because we don’t know what will happen in two years. So why not figure out what we want to do with the time we have now, and take it seriously. Many people spend more time thinking about their stuff than they do their time. Stuff can be replaced, time cannot.  

Going back in time to see when we were our happiest can rekindle a joy that may have dimmed over the years. When we were children what did we love to do? Can we bring some of those interests back into our lives? As adults, we get caught up, we work too much, we get busy with life, and then we forget. But when were you your happiest? What was it like and what were you doing? This question solidifies the “What,” and of course can be readjusted if we find these things are no longer aligned with who we are now.

These days we can go almost anywhere, but where is it that makes your heart sing and you feel most aligned? By thinking of the “What” and the “When,” we can get a pretty good idea of where we were that made us feel most fulfilled. Once we have these questions answered, we can create a situation to give us joy now.

The last question is “Why,” and it’s probably the best to journal on. It pulls together the four questions above, looks for patterns, and sees what you need in order to feel like you fit into this world. it is finding a pathway that makes sense for you, and the way you can do that is to look at where you feel most aligned. The five W’s will give clarity on how to move forward, with the knowledge we can always autocorrect if necessary.

I hope this message brings you creative ideas, clarity, fun, and new ways to navigate your journey. Live your life the way YOU want to.

If you would like to see more, please subscribe to my blog by sending an email to

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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Tarot Card Message of the Day.


I hope this message resonates with you, as well as inspires and supports you in some way. If you think a friend should see this, pass it on❤️

The card is from one of my favorite decks, the Tarot Deck Golden Art Nouveau by Giulia F. Massaglia.


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Friday, May 3, 2024

What loss can bring us.

Life will bring us many twists and turns, many of which we aren’t expecting or prepared for. Some of them will break our hearts.

Loss is part of our process. Once it happens, the healing can begin with the unraveling of events, as we are no longer in the situation. Then the release can happen as we take ownership of our role in things, as well as getting validation of what we went through. 

Once we continue on our journey and heal, we start to bounce back from the loss. In order to create new positive experiences, healing can be time to make assessments, adjustments and grow spiritually.

Being creatures of habit, change and transition can be super difficult - especially when it is not planned for or on our “to do list.” So how do we forge ahead?

We accept what it was, what it is, and recognize what the loss brings us. What did we learn from the other person, even if that means what we don’t want to become? What could we have done to be a better version of ourselves? How can we forge ahead free from past prejudices, even if they were put upon us by the people and circumstances in our lives? 

Loss doesn’t always mean failure.

This new perspective gives us opportunities to fill up the gaps the loss brought us with new ideas, new experiences and new ways to contribute to the world. It allows us to have a new vision with new paths.

So when your loss feels like it is eating up your heart (as well as your mind, body and a good night’s sleep), remember the empty spaces loss brings can be filled up. It does not need to destroy you, but instead be a part of your life’s journey and your opportunity to fill your life up again.

It starts with the vision (the hardest part), then the plan (the easiest part), and finally, the action (the most important part).

I hope this message brings you hope, focus and the spirit to forge ahead through your toughest times.

If you would like to see more, please subscribe to my blog by sending an email to

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What Can You Let Go Of? The "5 Ws"

  A New Year is a great time to think about what we can let go of and embrace a more fulfilling and less stressful life. How do you get an...