Sunday, February 11, 2024

Creativity Is Good for Your Spiritual Well Being 🎨🎵🎭

📸This is a picture I took of a museum replica of Frida Kahlo's art space. 
She's one of my favorite artists 💗

There is a strong relationship between creativity and our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health. There are studies also correlating creativity with longevity.

Observing cellist Pablo Casals shows how playing his cello alleviated his symptoms of arthritis and emphysema. A study of a group of senior citizens participating in art classes reported an amazing 96% felt more alive and fresh, 88% felt less lonely, and 94% felt more at peace with themselves. 

Aligning ourselves with the flow of an act that we feel passionate about gives us a sense of purpose. This makes our focus so intense that we lose our sense of time and space. We become one with our intention and craft.

The appreciation for creating, and also the creation, has a very positive affect on us. Aesthetics play a huge role in our happiness and appreciation. As Shahram Heshmat writes in Psychology Today, “Aesthetic emotions play a crucial role in the processing and enjoyment of art. In the presence of beautiful things, we feel a broad range of emotions, such as fascination, surprise, awe, feelings of transcendence, wonder, and admiration.” 

As you might guess, the one thing that inhibits creativity the most is the fear of judgment from others. If we could venture into uncharted waters and let go, and feel that we are living in our own Spiritual Sovereignty (click here for my blog post on this topic), we can then become part of a beautiful creation that we ourselves create. It takes courage to remove the critical voices in your head, whether they be yours or somebody else’s. We all have those voices.

Interestingly, the top wish of the dying, (as described in my blog post here), is “I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” Creativity is an opportunity for self expression, learning a new skill, discovering an untapped talent, and using our imagination to create something beautiful.

Consider some of these creative ideas to get started:

📕Start a journal

🌠Create a vision board

📖Write a story

📝Craft a poem

🎵Learn to play a musical instrument

🗺Write down 100 things you would like to try

🤯Design a mind map

🧶Knit something

🧵Sew an outfit

🧵Needlepoint or Cross Stitch

🪑Make a piece of furniture (my mom did this!)

🎴Create a personalized greeting card for someone

🥘Cook a new recipe

✏️Draw a picture

🎨Paint a painting

🎭Role play

👗Add style to your wardrobe

📸Take a photo series

👩🏻‍💻Write a blog

📽Film a vlog

And there are so many more!

Free yourself from mundane and obsessive thoughts, improve your problem solving skills, and discover new interests and things about yourself you didn’t even know existed. Unleash your spirit, and be YOU!


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